Sunday, September 2, 2012


My name is Travis Haselton, those of you who know me know that I have been moderately successful as a writer. Now I am going to start a new project. The bible has been a controversial read for many many generations now, and I am going to take a real good crack at it.

The only problem is that the book has been translated through Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, then to English. This complicates interpretation, I have known about languages that are currently in use, and refer to numbers as certain fingers or toes (I.E. number one is the word for index finger etc...) If any similar difference in linguistics happen in the bible it will be sure to alter the meaning of the passage.

My intentions are not to pick a side, though it will be impossible to avoid that I will not convey my opinion in my blog. I simply want to find out what the books says, whether you (the reader)  believe the book or not I want to correctly interpret it.

The approach I will take is this, I will use the commonly accepted idea that the old testament was written in both Aramaic and Hebrew, and the new testament was written in Greek. Therefore the old testament was translated to Greek (a low class slang for of Greek that caused confusion in Greece for some time) then translated to English. When I read a story, section, or passage of the Bible I will target word that have English antonyms and synonyms, plus anything that can mean something different when used in a sentence differently. I will look up the Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew terms for those words, then I will compare it to the English terms, The reason for this is that I have found that the English word Apocalypse come from the Greek word Apocolypsis, it was a mispronunciation of the word. The true translation of the Greek word Apocolypsis is "Revelation" which does not mean "the end of the world" it means "the lifting of the Vail" it has been associated with the end of the word because "Revelations" is the last book in the Bible and would show up in a Greek Bible as "Apocolypsis" and the books references  to "the end of days" made people think that Apocalypse means the end of the world, when it isn't the truth.

My grandmother has done allot of research on this subject, far more detailed than I will and she will be publishing a book on it, but I want you to be able to see my research from the beginning, not just my final conclusion, I want you to see how I got there.

I will allow comments but I will not read them so do not address any to me as I will not even be aware of them, I am easy to get a hold of you wish to email or face book me with any suggestions, but I will not take your facts or opinions, I will only take sources of information for example, books, web sights etc... and at that I will not take any sources of information that are particularly biblical, atheist, religion, or anti religion in general. I will post a bibliography of my sources at the end of each post.

Again I want to reiterate that I will not publicly display either side of the argument I simply want to know that the book says first hand, I will not listen to the preaching of others nor will I try to preach to anyone, I may try to throw some humor in to the mix, and I may target people and entities that are clearly and black and white hypocritical.


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